Constructor for the ColorHarmony class (with minimum and maximum saturation
and luminosiy values)
Example: ColorHarmony colorHarmony = new ColorHarmony(this, 15, 55, 20, 65);
Default min/max values: 10, 60, 20, 60
Range for the min/max values: 0..100
Convert a hexadecimal color string to HSL values
Example: float[] hsl = colorHarmony.Hex2HSL("FFFFFF");
Result: (0.0, 0.0, 100.0)
Note: the hex color string has to be 6 characters long!
Convert a hexadecimal color string to a Processing color (int)
Example: color P5color = colorHarmony.Hex2P5("FFFFFF");
Result: -1 (= color(255, 255, 255))
Note: the hex color string has to be 6 characters long!
Convert a hexadecimal color string to RGB values
Example: int[] rgb = colorHarmony.Hex2RGB("FFFFFF");
Result: (255, 255, 255)
Note: the hex color string has to be 6 characters long!