#loveU #hateU (2017)
#loveU #hateU is a New (Social) Media Artwork by Jana Astanov & Rolf van Gelder
#loveU #hateU is a live Twitter feed, showing all tweets with the hashtags #loveU or #hateU.
It’s rotating the tweets in the grid: a new tweet will be added in the upper left corner, the tweet in the lower right corner (= oldest tweet) will disappear.
The tweeter, the time stamp of the tweet, the geographical location (if available) and the actual tweet are shown.
It tries to prove love is still stronger than hatred… (we hope that’s still the case!)
The second component of this art project is the ‘#loveU2 BOT’.

#loveu #hateu bot
Every tweet containing one of the two hashtags (#loveU or #hateU) will get a tweet back:
‘#loveU‘ tweets will get a tweet with the hashtag ‘#loveU2‘ and an attached image.
‘#hateU‘ tweets will get a tweet with the hashtags ‘#dontHateU‘ and ‘#loveU2‘ with a different attached image.